1> Doctor Who Area
5> Horror Section, for Zombie Lovers everywhere :)
It would be impossible for me to even begin to cover all the Doctor Who info on a paltry 20 megs of home space, lol, so I will supply links to wonderful Doctor Who sites, so you can check them out and learn about the Doctor till your 2 heart's Content.
I will have some pictures and sound clips on my site, come on, I am not that cheap, :)
I have been a fan of the show since I was about 5 yrs old. One day I was flipping through the channels and I saw some odd looking show, so I decided to watch, and the rest is history, I was instantly hooked on the antics of the Doctor and his companions.
I was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but please don't hold that against me, I had no choice, I am just passing time waiting for my space ship to come down and take me home. I am going to be moving to New York and see how things go there, I hate small towns and need some big city excitement. My ultimate goal is to either relocate to either canada, england or hungary, but that will take some time.
God I miss the Fish N chips and Tea. I am also interested in taking some classes about computer animation and I would love to learn how to make video games, seeing as how this is my most favorit hobby in the world.
I enjoy sending and receiving E-Mail from interesting people. Interest in sci-fi is not a requirement for e-mailing me.
I like to talk about just about anything interesting,especially Doctorwho, Horror and Video gamz.
The only thing I don't like is Sportz (yucky) 8^(
If for some strange
reason you want to mail
Me, click on the cute little skull below.
In case the blasted link doesn't work then here is my e-mail addy
Me and my fellow Time Lords thank you for visiting my humble web page, it took me long enough to figure how the hell to get one. sheeeesssshhhh!
Write me anytime you want to talk, I promise I will write back:)
P.S. does anyone want some Breast Milk and cookies?
List of my 10 fav things:
1. Doctor Who(Hence my name the Doctor?)
2. Peach flavored panties coated with raspberry syrup(I don't wear em, I eat em)
3. Video games(They Kick ass)
4. Pee Pee and Pooh Pooh(Not Really, hee hee
5. Breast milk and cookies(yummy)
6. Breast Milk and Pepsi(Lavern's Favorite)
7. Giving women foot massages(yahoooo)
8. Writing stories and poems
9> The Internet, gotta love this place, cept for the bloody spam :(
10. Anti-Erection-Underware(Very useful)
Actually my most fav thing is the Wrinkle Fish, It's also known as the Chocolate Starfish, lol. if you can't figure out what that is just email me and I will explain it to you, lol.
I built this site with Webtv, and I basically learned HTML because of webtv, not bad for a little 99 dollar box. This is the best thing I have ever bought, I can't even imagine my life without it now.I was so sorry to see it go the way of the dinosaurs, it was a wonderful little gadget for those people who don't have a pc.
Can you say addicted boys and girls? I knew you could.
Thanks to all my friends for their support, hugs and kisses for all of them.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my humble web site.
I hope to get mail from you soon.(no,Really) "fingers crossed"
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